The mission of the Dan Gibbons Turkey Trot Foundation is to be a major contributor to the eradication of hunger in DuPage County.
Since 1984 we have staged a 5K Fun Run on Thanksgiving Day. Checks are presented to food banks and emergency feeding agencies in December. To date we have given in excess of $3 million to the hunger fight.
In 2015 the DGTT Foundation’s Board of Directors made a decision to become a full time presence in the hunger fight by expanding our community outreach with a job training program.
A Strategic Plan was developed by our Business Development Committee.
Our 3 year Strategic Plan for job training culminated a year early. After 2 years we opened Café Liberty on October 1, 2017.
Café Liberty is an 11 week culinary training program for veterans of our Armed Forces and adult family members of veterans who are in need of employment. We will conduct 4 classes annually.
There is no tuition. The training is free – no cost to the veteran. How? We seek private and corporate funding to sponsor our students, but our major funding partner is the DGTT Foundation and our premier 100 hole golf event…the “Fighting Hunger Games”.
The mission of the “Fighting Hunger Games” is to support Café Liberty.